venerdì 20 settembre 2013

Astley Castle renovation, United Kingdom

Witherford Watson Mann Architects
Astley, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Competition 2007 - 2013 RIBA National Awards

“Astley is a unified site of great complexity and resonance: moated castle, gateway and vestigial curtain walls, lake, church and the ghost of pleasure gardens all combine in a picturesque landscape of great power’. Following our competition winning entry for The Landmark Trust we received planning permission and heritage lottery funding for a contemporary house to be built into the medieval heart of the ruined castle, maintaining the ongoing, interpretative relationship between the historic construction, landscape and domestic inhabitation”. [Witherford Watson Mann Architects]

giovedì 12 settembre 2013

Basilica paleocristiana di San Pietro, Siracusa

Arch. Emanuele Fidone
Basilica paleocristiana di San Pietro, Siracusa, Italia
12^ Biennale Internazionale di Architettura di Venezia - Padiglione Italia -“AILATI”